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San Marino Ship Register appoints GMCG as new exclusive agent in Greece

San Marino Ship Register appoints GMCG as new exclusive agent in Greece

San Marino Ship Register s.r.l.
Piazza Enrico Enriquez, 22
47891 Dogana,
Republic of San Marino

For immediate release
San Marino Ship Register appoints new exclusive agent in Greece.

The Registry is set to boost presence in the Greek Shipping Market

Republic of San Marino, February 13th, 2024 – The executive team at San Marino Ship Register announced the establishment of an exclusive partnership with Global Maritime Consultants Group (GMCG). The newly appointed agents at GMCG will support the Registry in developing a strong presence in the important Greek shipping market. Founded in 1988, GMCG is a premier maritime consultancy, offering a wide array of services across the maritime and oil & gas offshore sectors. At the heart of their service offering is their ship registration service, which leverages their expansive global network of maritime professionals to provide their clients with seamless, efficient, and compliant registry solutions.

“San Marino Ship Register has had a great start in the merchant shipping field, we are happy to support them and their partners in expanding their services and user base.”

Gianluca Tucci, General Director – San Marino Ship Register

“GMCG aims to leverage its extensive network of maritime experts to support San Marino Ship Register’s growth in Greece and beyond. This is a significant step forward in our mission to provide Greek shipowners with access to premier registry services that meet the modern demands of shipping and regulatory standards”.

Christos Michalopoulos, Managing Director – GMCG Greece

About San Marino Ship Register SMSR
The Republic of San Marino has been a member of the IMO since 2002 and has ratified all major maritime international conventions. In 2021, San Marino Ship Register has stepped into an active role in the maritime sector, launching the registration of pleasure and commercial vessels to an international audience.

The Registry operates by the highest standards of compliance with national and international regulations for the safety of navigation. Moreover, registration in San Marino offers advantageous taxation regimes and competitive pricing tailored to different target customers.

Contact: Nicola Camorali, Technical and Fleet Manager:, +378 0549 960075


San Marino Ship Register s.r.l.
Piazza Enrico Enriquez, 22
47891 Dogana
Repubblica di San Marino

Comunicato Stampa
San Marino Ship Register nomina nuovo agente esclusivo in Grecia

Il Registro è in rotta verso l’espansione nel mercato navale greco

Repubblica di San Marino, 13 febbraio 2024 – La dirigenza di San Marino Ship Register ha annunciato la firma di un accordo di partenariato esclusivo con Global Maritime Consultants Group (GMCG). I nuovi agenti appena nominati sosterranno il Registro nello sviluppo di una forte presenza nell’importante settore navale greco. Fondata nel 1988, GMCG è una società di punta nelle consulenze marittime, che offre una vasta gamma di servizi nei settori navali e oil & gas offshore. Al centro della loro offerta è il servizio delle immatricolazioni di navi mercantili, che si appoggia sulla loro estesa rete globale di professionisti del settore. GMCG offre ai suoi clienti soluzioni per immatricolazioni semplici, efficienti, e conformi.

“San Marino Ship Register ha avuto un bilancio positivo nell’ambito della registrazione di navi mercantili. Siamo motivati a supportare il registro e i suoi partner nell’incrementare servizi e rete di utenti”.

Gianluca Tucci, General Director – San Marino Ship Register

“GMCG punta a sfruttare la sua rete estesa di esperti marittimi per sostenere la crescita di San Marino Ship Register in Grecia e oltre. Questo è un significativo passo avanti nella nostra missione di fornire agli armatori greci accesso ai migliori registri, che rispondano alle attuali domande e standard del settore marittimo”.

Christos Michalopoulos, Managing Director – GMCG Greece


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