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INTLREG AND GMCG – class surveys and class services

INTLREG AND GMCG – class surveys and class services

We are pleased to announce that GMCG has extended its Cooperation agreement with the International Register of Shipping (INTLREG) – an independent international classification society. Based on the agreement, GMCG will continue to exclusively represent INTLREG in several countries and will utilize INTLREG’S exclusive surveyors’ network to perform Classification and Statutory surveys.

The goal of the agreement is to continue to jointly promote safety of life and property at sea while assisting clients overcome operational challenges in this competitive environment.

By choosing GMCG and INTLREG for your classification and statutory needs, you will receive the customer care, worldwide network, and expertise of GMCG combined with INTLREG’s trusted services and exclusive surveyor’s network.
Looking for more details, drop us an email at

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