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GMCG Panama team attend prestigious Guinness Book of World Records event in Panama

GMCG Panama team attend prestigious Guinness Book of World Records event in Panama

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On December 15th 2017, the Guinness Book of World Records handed Panama the certification as owner of the ‘biggest ship registry in the world’, acknowledging the nation’s achievement of listing over 8000 ships, representing almost 18% of the world maritime fleet.

Panama’s unique and privileged geographical position as a bridge between North and South America has seen the country emerge as a strategically important maritime nation, and this award will undoubtedly be a matter of huge pride for Panamanians: the Panamanian flag is not only the patriotic symbol of this maritime nation but is now also synonymous with global maritime trade.

This prestigious event was held at the Yellow House of the Presidency of the Republic of Panama and was officially sponsored by the International Register of Shipping. It was a huge honour for the GMCG team to have been part of such a memorable day in Panama’s maritime history.

Said Panama Minister for Maritime Affairs, Jorge Baraket Pitty ‘We have been serving the world for 100 years, promoting global maritime trade, favouring its integral development. Reaching this mark of excellent represents a recognition for history, shows hard work, made with effort, sacrifice, great talent and a lot of persistence’.

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